Decentralized water infrastructure
While most of the U.S. population receives water from public water systems regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (all systems serving at least 25 people per day at least 60 days per year), more than 10% of the population relies on unregulated water sources. Unlike their public water system counterparts, these residents, served by domestic wells, state small systems, hauled water, or private springs, are entirely responsible for operating, testing, maintaining and replacing their drinking water system as needed. In most cases without any form of regulatory oversight or support. Septic tanks are even more common. Due to information and policy gaps, the needs of such decentralized water users frequently fall through the cracks. Yet addressing the needs of this underserved population is critical for achieving the human right to water, particularly in the context of climate change.
Learn more:
Thousands of domestic and public supply wells face failure despite groundwater sustainability reform in California’s Central Valley in Scientific Reports
Impacts of Regulated Water Service Extension on Water Quality, Perception, and Affordability in Orleans, NY in Environmental Science & Technology Letters